Genesis: What’s in God’s day?

Genesis 1 and 2

Was the world as we know it created in six days? Yes? No? Maybe?

YES, Creation happened

For those who believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible, the answer is Yes. The thought that the world was not is heresy. Creation happened in six days exactly as the Bible says. The problem with this view is the variations in the account of Creation between Chapters 1 and 2.

Chapter 2 seems to duplicate a great deal of information from Chapter 1, which has led some scholars to believe that Chapter 2 was added after the fact and by a second writer or editor. Others believe that Chapter 2 is an amplication of Chapter 1 and focuses on man’s creation. Chapter 2 may or may not have been written by a second writer. Try reading Chapters 1 and 2 in the following order:

  • Chapter 1: 1-27
  • Chapter 2: 4-15
  • Chapter 1:28
  • Chapter 2: 1-3

The restructuring does make the events flow more coherently, but questions still remain, such as

  • When were the sun, moon and stars created day 2 or day 4?
  • When did vegetation start to grow?
  • Who does the we refer to on Day 6?

For scholars who believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible, these are questions that need answers since the two chapters appear to contradict each other.

NO, Creation’s a metaphor

Some theologians believe that creation is a metaphor for what happened and do not believe that Chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis should be taken literally. (Sally McFague is a leading proponent of the metaphorical approach to the Bible. She does not have a website, but a brief biography and list of writings can be found on Wikipedia.)


I created the maybe school of thought for me. I don’t think that Genesis is a metaphor and didn’t take place. The world is just too intricate to have been the result of an accident of nature. But precisely how long and in what order, I’m not sure. For a brief summary of possible “maybe theories,” see “Nine Views of Creation.”

Gap Theory

The idea that God’s day is not the same as our day is part of the “gap” theory of creation. Most adherents to the gap theory point to 2 Peter, “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day [is] with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day (3:8).” Critics of the theory point to the use of “morning” and “night” as a basis for arguing for a “day” meaning a 24 hour period. The basic concept is that the time between “days” could allow for evolutionary theories.


Another theory is based on the translation of the Hebrew words for create and make. Depending on how you interpret these words, God created the world from nothing, or God made the world from something. If God made the world from something, then the world could have existed in some form before Genesis. This theory would support an evolutionary period prior to Genesis. (See Aplogetics Press for a discussion of the various theories of creation.)