Genesis: That Snake!


Where’s Satan in Chapters 3 and 4? The Bible only mentions a serpent. If you believe the serpent was Satan, then how do you answer such questions as:

  • Did Satan take on the form of a snake?
  • Is Satan actually a snake?
  • Did Satan possess a snake?


I never really thought about how my view of Satan impacts my belief in other supernatural theories. I don’t believe snakes have or had rational thought and speech so that leaves me with shape-shifters and demonic possession. Or, I could opt for the metaphorical interpretation which views Adam and Eve as representative of man and views Satan as representing man’s shortcomings. Whether they existed and in what form doesn’t matter.

An article entitled “Interpretations of the Fall of Man” has a reasonable summation of the current views of the fall as allegorical, metaphorical or historical with a slight doctrinal bias. Or, you can use the online Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.  Be warned. The site is academic and has multiple links to follow to the point you may never return.


So, demonic possession or shape-shifting? To be honest, I don’t want to believe in either one. Along with demonic possession comes exorcism and that invokes visions of “The Exorcist.” If I believe in shape-shifting, does that mean I have to believe in vampires, werewolves and the zombie apocalypse?

I believe humans fell from grace; beyond that I don’t know. Does that lessen my faith? I don’t think so. It just means the Bible doesn’t stipulate and I’m not going to speculate.