Genesis: Was there a Flood?

Genesis Chapters 7 and 8

Almost all cultures have some type of “flood” story but the Bible is the only version that explains the flood in terms of man’s sin.  In most cultures, the flood is the result of the gods being bored with, or tiring of, man.  See Britannica Encyclopedia for more information on flood stories from different cultures.

Critics point to The Epic of Gilgamesh (written during the Sumer Empire) as being the source for the biblical Flood.  I had never heard of The Epic of Gilgamesh until I began this study.  Apparently, it is one of the classic epics, even pre-dating Homer.  If you enjoy reading ancient texts, here is a link to the Penguin Classic on Amazon. Kindle copies are also available.

How long was the Flood?

How long did the Flood last?  Many scholars interpret the 40 days and 40 nights as symbolic rather than actual time, especially since the number 40 indicates completeness in Middle Eastern cultures.  The same has been said of the 150 days.  It is merely an approximation. 

I tried to put together a time line for the Flood, but I couldn’t quite get the numbers to add up.  There is a timeline based on months and another based on days.  And of course, there is the question of how many days were in a biblical month. 

  • Flood started in the 2nd month and 17th day of year 1
  • Flood ended in the 2nd month and 27th day of year 2
Months of Flood

If I look at the months and if we assume an average of 30 days per month, the total days come to 371.

Days of Rain

Some scholars suggest that the 150 days of flood waters and the 150 days before the Ark rested should be viewed as the same 150 days, which makes the flood 244 days long.  Some timelines include the first 40 days in the first 150 days, which makes the flood 354 days long. 

If I look at the days, I calculate 394 days. So which is it 371, 394, 244 or 354?

Dr. Danny R. Faulkner gives a comprehensive discussion of how the length of the flood has been calculated in his article How Long Did the Flood Last? He concludes with the following statement:

“What difference does it make how long the Flood was? Ultimately, it matters relatively little. However, from time to time we are asked about the Flood’s duration, and it behooves us to offer the best answer. . . . However, to dogmatically state that “The Flood was x days long” elevates one’s opinion, and it ignores the fact that others with an equal commitment to the authority of Scripture have reached different conclusions. ”

I have to admit it was nice to come across an article where the author was willing to admit that the Bible is not clear on a topic and to suggest a response that begins with “I think.”

Genesis: That Snake!


Where’s Satan in Chapters 3 and 4? The Bible only mentions a serpent. If you believe the serpent was Satan, then how do you answer such questions as:

  • Did Satan take on the form of a snake?
  • Is Satan actually a snake?
  • Did Satan possess a snake?


I never really thought about how my view of Satan impacts my belief in other supernatural theories. I don’t believe snakes have or had rational thought and speech so that leaves me with shape-shifters and demonic possession. Or, I could opt for the metaphorical interpretation which views Adam and Eve as representative of man and views Satan as representing man’s shortcomings. Whether they existed and in what form doesn’t matter.

An article entitled “Interpretations of the Fall of Man” has a reasonable summation of the current views of the fall as allegorical, metaphorical or historical with a slight doctrinal bias. Or, you can use the online Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.  Be warned. The site is academic and has multiple links to follow to the point you may never return.


So, demonic possession or shape-shifting? To be honest, I don’t want to believe in either one. Along with demonic possession comes exorcism and that invokes visions of “The Exorcist.” If I believe in shape-shifting, does that mean I have to believe in vampires, werewolves and the zombie apocalypse?

I believe humans fell from grace; beyond that I don’t know. Does that lessen my faith? I don’t think so. It just means the Bible doesn’t stipulate and I’m not going to speculate.