Desert Tabernacle

I’m struggling to finish Exodus.  The last chapters are instructions on how to build the tabernacle and then a description of how the tabernacle was built.  A lot of redundancy and exactly why is it included?  Is there a message for me in these chapters.

I thought if I read a book on the tabernacle I might get more out of it.  Was I wrong!  I’m trying to get through The Tabernacle of Moses by x, but it is even harder to get into.  There is so much symbolism and numerology attached to each aspect of the Tabernacle that I get lost in the mumbo-jumbo.  Did God really design the Ark with two cheribum as representations of God and the Holy Spirit?  Was the “mercy seat” a metaphor for Christ?

What’s with all the numbers?  I have trouble believing that the dimensions of the Ark are to add up to specific numbers that are suppose to represent God, man, Christ, sin, etc.  If the Bible is for everyone, I shouldn’t need to be a rocket scientist to discover the meaning.  Who decided that 6 represented man and 8 the resurrection?  I don’t remember reading anything in the Bible that said what numbers represented.