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But Before You Go

It is 1520. The smell of burning flesh permeates Smithfield. Another group of heretics has been burned at the stake. Not because they ticked off Henry VIII, but because they believed everyone should be able to read the Bible for themselves.

People wanted to learn for themselves what the Bible said. They no longer wanted to rely on church fathers, priests and scholars for understanding. They no longer trusted in the church leadership. (Seem familiar?)

Ordinary people risked imprisonment or death for merely possessing an English translation of the Bible. Today, we have the freedom to read the Bible in our native language because of people like Martin Luther. We can learn for ourselves what the Bible really says.

Yet, most of us haven’t read the Bible, or spent much time trying to understand what it really says. We are willing to let church leaders, priests and pastors, or even our “Christian” friends tell us what the Bible says. It is almost as if we are back in the 16th century. It is almost as if those people died for nothing.

Why not take a look at what these people died for? Lesson 1