The studies are arranged according to the traditional order of the books of the Bible, although the lessons under each book are grouped according to the arrangement in the chronological Bible. You should read the information under the book title, such as Genesis or Leviticus, before starting the lessons to get an understanding of how the specific study is organized.

I use the studies to keep track of what I’m reading or researching. First, I read a group of chapters at one time without taking notes. I reread the chapters summarizing the verses as a way to record my take on the verses. Finally, I read at least one or two other translations to see if there are significant differences among the translations. If there are, I make note of them so I can research the variations. is an online Bible site that provides muliple translations for each verse in the Bible.

The questions associated with each lesson are questions that I had as I read the Bible, that I found as part of my research or that I stumbled across in my wanderings through the Internet. No answers are provided to the questions. The studies aren’t about me telling you what the Bible says. They are about you deciding what the Bible says. Check out my blog for my thoughts on the subject.

I should add a warning. These studies take time. However, you don’t have to do the studies to follow the blog.